jeudi 8 décembre 2011

Y's d2d - Night and Night

 Sun is rising later and later - picture taken at 8:50 heading to work.

The Metro entrance is having a "window" on the canal, below the water level!  

Train back from Amsterdam is leaving - 18:45

 By night, same picture as this one.

mercredi 7 décembre 2011

mardi 6 décembre 2011

Y's d2d - Hail day = Hell day?

 Electric weather
 Hail on the way to work

End of the day - going back home on the Olympic train !

lundi 5 décembre 2011

Y's d2d - Storm's coming

I got intrigued by this light in the sky - early morning going to the station in front of the GeldMuseum 

dimanche 4 décembre 2011

vendredi 2 décembre 2011

jeudi 1 décembre 2011

Y's d2d - Visting Rembrandtplein office

 Arriving on RBP - 8:15 am

 Leaving RBP - 9:30 am in Winterland!

Occupé in Amsterdam - in front of the stock exchange